The Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas shows Spain’s commitment to Palestine

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José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Mahmoud Abbas reiterated Spain’s commitment to Palestine and support the efforts of the Palestinian Aurora (ANP) at the time of making progress in the peace process as well as institution building.

Mahmoud Abbas briefed the Prime Minister of the options that arise in the face early in September the new session of the UN General Assembly. Rodriguez Zapatero has called for continuing efforts towards a consensual solution for recovering the dialogue between the parties and return to the negotiating table. In this sense, Spain is committed to spare no efforts within the EU to achieve this goal.

The President has sent also to Abbas that Spain appreciates the importance of Palestinian reconciliation agreement signed in Cairo and hopes that the future government of national unity to maintain the same commitment to peace and nonviolence that the PNA has defended recent years.

During the meeting, the president has reaffirmed the commitment to development cooperation of the Government of Spain with the Palestinian Authority.

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