Uribe warns of Venezuela nuclear threat

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Former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez on Tuesday said that Venezuela’s “nuclear development” poses a serious threat to the region’s security, reports W Radio.

Speaking after receiving an award from Spain’s International Observatory of Victims of Terrorism, Uribe said that Venezuela’s “arms race” is very dangerous both for the security of its own citizens and Venezuela’s neighbors.

Uribe added that the Venezuelan government has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, but has not signed its additional protocols.

Earlier in October Russia and Venezuela announced a deal under which Russia will help the South American country to build its first nuclear power station. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a long-time antagonist of Uribe, claims that his country only seeks to diversify energy sources.

Uribe was presented with the award by John Frank Pinchao Blanco, a police officer who was kidnapped by the FARC in 1998 and held captive until his escape in 2007. The former president dedicated his award to members of the Colombian police and armed forces currently fighting terrorism in Colombia.

The former president also commented that the proposed legalization of marijuana in California is a threat to regional security.

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