US concerned about Mexican Drug Cartels – Al-Qaeda nexus

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The United States has taken measures against a possible alliance with Al-Qaeda narco recognizes the Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano.

Appearing before the National Security Committee of WARC floor, said that “for some time we thought about what would happen if, say al-Qaeda to join the Zetas, one of the drug cartels”, without specifying what measures have been taken.

In responding to a question from Rep. Texas, Blake Farenthold, the possibility that terrorist organizations seek to take advantage of the networks used by drug traffickers, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Michael Leiter, said that his office first incorporated agents the DEA to ensure that both areas share information appropriately.

At the same event, Napolitano warned that threats of terrorist attacks against the United States are probably at their highest level since the attacks of September 11, 2001.

“No doubt we have made significant progress in protecting our country against terrorism since 11 September, but the threat continues to evolve,” Napolitano said in a filing with the U.S. Congress.

“In some ways, the threat today may be at its highest level since the attacks nearly 10 years,” he added.

In a hearing before the Homeland Security committee of Congress, Napolitano considered that Al-Qaeda still poses a threat to the United States despite the decline in their abilities and that his country is also the target of several groups that share the violent extremist ideology and terrorist network.

Also highlighted that there is a tendency among Islamic extremist groups recruiting Westerners without strong links with terrorist groups or encourage these to carry out small attacks, which are more difficult to notice by the intelligence agencies.

“The threat has evolved so that we must change our traditional counterterrorism strategies, which in the past viewed the threat as coming from outside,” said Napolitano.

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