US terms unexplainable Venezuela’s arms purchases

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In South America there is no arms race, “but it is unexplainable that Venezuela has engaged in an accelerated process of arms purchase,” said Frank O. Mora, US Under Secretary of Defense, after visiting Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo.

Mora paid an official visit to Paraguay and on Wednesday night, he met with Lugo, AP reported.

“In the region, we think that there is no arms race,” he said. He added, however, that “it is unexplainable that Venezuela has engaged in an accelerated process of arms purchase. President (Hugo) Chávez says the US will attack, but it is absurd because it is not true.”

“A comprehensive analysis shows that in the last six years four countries have increased their military spending, and many did so in a transparent way, by publishing national defense strategies, such as Brazil and Chile. In the case of Colombia, military spending focused on domestic threats: terrorism and drug trafficking,” he said.

Mora insisted that in Colombia there are no US military bases.

“Consolidation of democracy in the region is the path that many countries have taken, but we think that Chávez’s political model is wrong. We think that democracy is the system that brings greater stability and prosperity. Therefore, we support democracy and human rights in the region,” he said.

Mora stressed that “this is what we do to counter authoritarian trends.”

Last Monday, during a conference at the National University of Asunción, Mora announced that the US is interested in “becoming a partner of Paraguay in fighting transnational crimes such as drug trafficking, terrorism and problems related to climate change.”

“With globalization, many crimes are growing at a rapid pace and we need cooperation to react quickly,’ ‘he said.

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