Venezuelan government denies at the UN any harassment against the media

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Germán Mundaraín, the Venezuelan Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, exercised on Tuesday his right to reply to the United States during a session of the Council on Human Rights.

The diplomat claimed that the United States “defames progressive peoples and governments” when pointing to alleged human right abuses.

During the 14th UN session, the UN delegate made some remarks against several countries, including Venezuela, a communiqué of the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.

“False accusations of harassment against journalists and independent media in Venezuela,” are repeated to “lay a siege on the country.” “Today, more than ever, there is full freedom of expression in Venezuela, which can be proved day by day,” without further limitations than legal restrictions.

Mundaraín added that “no journalist has been chased or detained in his practice, not even because of his/her political opinions.”


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