Israeli dream doctors bring smiles to Nepalese children

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Israel is considered a leader in professionalizing the field of medical clowning and providing scientific evidence for its effectiveness. Over the last few years, Israeli clowns have been popping into hospital operating rooms and intensive care units with balloons and kazoos in hand, teaming up with doctors to develop laughter therapies they say help with disorders like pain.

The Dream Doctors medical clowns project was established in Israel in 2002. They have now joined the Israeli team of doctors in Nepal, and are bringing smiles to the Nepalese children recovering from injuries sustained in the wake of the earthquake there.

Dream Doctors Yaron Sancho Goshen, Smadar Harpak, Rotem Goldenberg, David DuSh BarasHi, and Nimrod Eisenberg are using their skills to ease the effects of trauma and to reduce pain and anxiety among both children and adults.

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