Judíos en la Serie Mundial de Béisbol: Joc Pederson establece récord judío con el tercer cuadrangular de la Serie Mundial

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Joc Pederson, the Los Angeles Dodgers’ outfielder, has set a new home run record for Jewish players in the World Series play.

During Game Six in California Tuesday night, Pederson blasted a homer as an insurance run in the Dodgers’ 3-1 win over the visiting Houston Astros, to force a seventh game.

The homer makes Pederson’s third home run of the season, taking over the top spot from Hank Greenberg, who slugged two in the 1934 fall classic.

Greenberg still holds the mark for RBIs in one Series — at least for now — with seven; Pederson has five.

The Los Angeles Dodgers and the Houston Astros will meet for Game 7 of the World Series in Los Angeles on Wednesday evening.

(Ron Kaplan publishes Kaplan’s Korner, a blog devoted to Jews and sports.)

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