Ku-Vissenshaft, Beheyme-Seychel un der Genetisher Kodeks, in gantzen af Yiddish!

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Mein Chaveyrim:

Ich vinsh eich allemen, vie shtendig, a lustigen Shabbes, a shabbesdigen Shabbes, full mit Freyd, Ruchnies un Ruhigkeit.
Ot hot ihr a vissenshaftlechen Artikl vegen dem genetishen Kodeks, mit der Iberzetzung Oyben un dem Originel Unten, kedey tzu zehen dem Untershied fun die tzvey un zich baratten mitten Originel.

Gedenkt zhe gut, hartzige Yidden, az Yiddis iz a poshette Shprach, a Folks-Shprach… deriber un derunter, venn der yiddisher Tekst leyent zich leichter un poshetter vie der englisher, iz die Uhrzach (Sibbe) farvos yiddish iz a shtetldige Shprach, vos hot zich antviklt bei poshete Bal-Meloches, Rabonim, Sochrim un Mark-Yiddens, Mammes, Yiddishe Techter un Eyshe-Chayel, un nit bei hoychgeshtellte Miyochosim un Pritzes in elegante Voynungen un Dach-Dires af die Finfte un Park Evenyus in NYC! Gehert a Meisse?

Ekstre! Spetzyel!
VASHINGTON: Die Ku shtammt fun “Genus Bovinus”… eyn Eck myuket un male-geyret un der anderer shenkt Milch. Die Vissenshaft veysst itzt farvos yeder Eck tut dos. Vissenshaftlers hoben endlech ibergelezen dem gantzen genetishen Kodeks ohn shum Shterungen un Fellers. Der Dichter Ogden Nash hot farshtannen alle Prottim legabe dem Beheyme-Leben. S’hot ober gedoyert zeks Yohr, az 300 Vissenshaftlers zollen farshteyn die Ordenung funem Gene-Shtoff in a Hereford Kuh af a Ferme in Montanne.

Forshers funem Natzyonaln Gezunt-Institut un Agrikultur-Department hoben farefntlecht zeyere Forshungs-Rezultatn in die Zhurnaln SCIENCE (Vissenshaft) un GENOME BIOLOGY (Genetishe Biologye). Die Vissenshaftler halten, az die Rezultatn vellen farbessern dos Gezunt un Kvalitet fun Fleysh- un Milch-Produktn vie oych antvicklen neie Mittlen vie azoy tzu bahandlen un farhitten fun Rinder-Krankheiten.

Tzvishen die Rezultatn hot men zich dervust:

  • Die heintige Rinder hoben zich antviklt (evoluiert) fun farsheidenartige uhr-alte Tsheredes in Afrike, Azye un Eyrope, vos ihre Bafelkerungen hoben zich letztens farklenert vos a mol shneller, fielleicht tzulieb Domestikatzye (bazetzen un hodevven Chayes af Fermes).
  • Der Genetisher Shtoff fun die af der Ferme oysgehodevvete Rinder anthalt umgefehr 22,000 Gennes, in Fargleich mit die 20-25,000 in Menshen.
  • 80% Gennes in Menshen un Rinder zeinen die zelbige.
  • Die Ordenung fun Menshen-Chromosomen iz nehenter tzu die in oysgehodevvete Rinder vie die in Retzlech oder Meizlech, vos m’nutzt oftmol in Laboratorye-Eksperimentn tzum antvicklen Medzinen far Menshen.
  • Rinder-Chromosomen, azoy vie die in Menshen un andere Milch-Zoygers anthalten segtmentveize Duplikatzyes, shier nit gleich-groysse un identishe Replickes funem Gene-Shtoff, vos gefint zich tzum veynigsten af tzvey Erter inem Kodeks.
  • Zey hoben oysgefunnen, az in oysgehodevvette Rinder hoben die alle zelbige Duplikatzyes a Farbindung mit der Viedershtands-Kraft (Shutz-Sistem), Shtoff-Veksl (Matbolizm), Fardeiung, Farmehrung (Reproduktzye) un Milch-Bildung (Milch-Opzunderung/Laktatzye). Azelche Duplikatzyes in Menshen hoben a Farbindung mit a Tzol Krankheitn un Sindromen.

WASHINGTON – The cow is of the bovine ilk, one end is moo, the other, milk. Now science knows why which is which, they’ve read the genome, without a hitch. While poet Ogden Nash had cow basics down, it took 300 scientists six years to outline the genetic sequence of “L1 Dominette 01449,” a Hereford cow living on a research farm near Miles City, Mont.

Researchers led by the National Institutes of Health and the U.S.. Department of Agriculture report their findings in a herd of 20 papers appearing in Friday’s edition of the journal Science and other journals including Genome Biology.

The researchers believe the findings will help improve the quality and safety of beef and dairy products and can be used to develop better ways of treating and preventing diseases that affect cattle.

Among their findings:

  • Modern cattle developed from a diverse ancestral population from Africa, Asia and Europe, that has undergone a recent rapid decrease in population size, probably due to domestication.
  • The genome of the domestic cattle contains approximately 22,000 genes, compared to 20,000 to 25,000 for humans.
  • Cattle and humans have about 80 percent of their genes in common
  • The organization of human chromosomes is closer to that of domestic cattle than to those of rats or mice, which are often used in lab tests of drugs intended for people.
  • Cattle chromosomes, like those of humans and other mammals, contain segmental duplications, which are large, almost identical copies of DNA present in at least two locations in a genome.

They found that in domestic cattle, the duplications related to immunity, metabolism, digestion, reproduction and lactation. Such duplications in humans have been related to a variety of disorders.

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