Las políticas de Netanyahu siguen generando nuevos “enemigos” a Israel

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The Liberal government on Sunday put out its first statement on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which included calling Israel a “steadfast friend and ally” while also warning it against building more settlements on disputed land.

Released by Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion as the wave of violence that has swept Israel and the West Bank reached its 100th day, the statement represents a shift in tone from the previous government’s staunchly pro-Israel messaging.

More than 20 Israelis have died since Oct. 1, most in random attacks by Palestinians. About 150 Palestinians have also died, many while attacking Jews, or in protests and clashes with Israeli security forces. Dozens more have been injured on both sides.

The violence has been blamed by some on Palestinian frustration after decades of living under Israeli occupation, as well as on the steady growth of Jewish settlements on land claimed by the Palestinians, and on stalled peace negotiations. The Israelis, in turn, have accused Palestinian leaders of incitement.

In his statement, Dion said Canada was concerned about the violence and that a negotiated settlement involving the creation of an independent Palestinian state next to Israel “was the most viable path to peace.

“As a steadfast ally and friend to Israel,” Dion said, “Canada calls for all effort to be made to reduce violence and incitement and to help build the conditions for a return to the negotiating table.”

But he added: “Unilateral actions, such as Palestinian initiatives toward statehood in international forums and continued Israeli settlements, are unhelpful and constitute serious obstacles to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace.”

The previous Conservative government had strongly opposed Palestinian bids for statehood, and had deployed then-foreign affairs minister John Baird to the UN to rally opposition to the idea in November 2012. But the government of Stephen Harper declined to speak out against Israeli settlement construction.

The settlements are self-contained, fortified towns or conclaves built on land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem that the Palestinians claim as their own. Most countries consider the settlements illegal and a major obstacle to Middle East peace.

A Liberal official said the statement was not intended to send any sort of political signal, but aimed instead to get the two sides to end the cycle of violence and resume peace talks. However, the statement coincided with news that the Israeli government had lifted an 18-month moratorium on settlement construction.

Conservative foreign affairs critic Tony Clement and deputy critic Peter Kent criticized Dion’s message for not mentioning terrorist group Hamas, which has launched numerous rocket attacks against Israel and encouraged Palestinians to attack Israelis at random.

“The statement also fails to condemn such violence by only expressing ‘concern,’ and by omission, equates such terrorist attacks with Israeli settlement construction,” the two Conservative MPs said in a statement. “This is unacceptable.”

Dion told the Citizen in November that while Israel is a friend and ally, the foundation of Canada’s engagement in the Middle East would be pushing for an enduring peace “because Israel will benefit from peace.”

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