Líneas aéreas árabes aprovechan el boicot de Trump para promover sus servicios simpática y elegantemente, (En Inglés)

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Arab airlines are using witty marketing and satire to respond to the recent US and UK ban on carry-on electronic goods on inbound flights from Arab countries.

The decision, introduced on Tuesday, bars passengers on flights originating in eight Arab countries from carrying any electronic device larger than a mobile phone.

Senior US officials told reporters that nine airlines from countries in the Arab world had been given 96 hours to institute the ban. The UK announced a similar ban shortly after.

Laptops, e-readers, cameras, tablets, printers, electronic games and portable DVD players are affected by the ban – which applies to direct flights to the United States – but they may still be stowed in the hold in checked baggage.

The indefinite US ban targets 10 airports and nine airlines, including Turkish Airlines and the major Gulf carriers: Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways, as well as the Jordanian state airline, Royal Jordanian.

Some of the companies have been quick to respond, with lighthearted humour, using the ban as a marketing opportunity.

The United Arab Emirates flagship carrier, Emirates Airline, posted a video on social media with the slogan “let us entertain you”.

Social media users responded to the ad, saying: “The ban is unnecessary and annoying, but fair play to you, Emirates, for this ad. Well done!”

Another user said: “Extremely well played, @emirates But business people need to work, will you provide tablets with office apps for the flight? Now you should.”

Similarly, the Royal Jordanian released a nursery rhyme that poked fun at the series of bans targeting the Arab world introduced by US President Donald Trump.

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The airline followed the poem with a humorous list offering beleaguered passengers things to do on a plane without their electronics, such as “analyze the meaning of life”.

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