Por única vez en 75,000 años coincidirán Januke y Thanksgiving

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American Jews shouldn’t fret too much at this year’s awkward overlap of  Hanukkah and Thanksgiving. Sure, it may require some culinary dexterity at  Thanksgiving dinner. But thematically, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving are an even  more perfect fit than Hanukkah and Christmas.

This year’s confluence is a once-in-about-2,000-lifetimes experience.  Hanukkah and Thanksgiving on the same day last happened in 1861, except that  Thanksgiving wasn’t established until 1868! And the next time the first day of  Hanukkah will happen on Thanksgiving — Thursday, November 28 — will be in the  year 79,811. Who can plan that far in advance? So let’s enjoy this solar and  lunar overlap and celebrate all that Hanukkah and Thanksgiving have in common. Religiously, there is a direct line connecting Thanksgiving, Sukkot and  Hanukkah. Here’s how it works.

American Thanksgiving had a close affinity to biblical Sukkot. Both holidays  included the theme of giving thanks for a bountiful harvest. It’s likely that  the pilgrims who linked their migration and experience with the ancient  Israelites learned to thank God for their harvest from the stories they read in  what they called the Old Testament.

And Sukkot, in turn, was very much linked to Hanukkah. In fact, Hanukkah may  have actually been Sukkot. The Second Book of Maccabees records that after the  Maccabees cleansed and rededicated the Temple, “the sanctuary was purified on  the twenty-fifth of Kislev (Hanukkah). The joyful celebration lasted for eight  days. It was like Sukkot, for they recalled how only a short time before they  had kept the festival while living like animals in the mountains, they observed  the joyful celebration, which lasted for eight days. And so they carried lulavim  and etrogim and they chanted hymns to God, who had so triumphantly led them to  the purification of the Temple.”

Read more: http://forward.com/articles/187288/lets-celebrate-the-convergence-of-thanksgiving-and/#ixzz2klCVdq9A

1 comentario en «Por única vez en 75,000 años coincidirán Januke y Thanksgiving»
  1. What a mess, Good Lord!! How come we will be able to celebrate so many important events “in one piece”?
    Fortunatelly it happens not very often. as the author says.
    Yet I think I´ll be able to handle it with a “touch of humor”…Next friday it´s okey?
    And thanks for the information right now: Time enough for me to write my “multiple options” about this issue. I´ve got the title of the column already…but it´s a surprise…or like the song says: “Do  you want to know a secret? do ay..do..do you want me…”
    mirta S. kweksilber
    columinst of: diariojudio.com


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