Prohibido -por ley- negar el Holocausto en Rusia

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Russian lawmakers approved a bill that would make Holocaust denial  illegal.

The lower house of the Russian Parliament, or Duma, passed the measure Friday  on its first reading, the Voice of Russia reported Monday, making it illegal to deny the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal and  punishing the “rehabilitation of Nazism.”

Those found guilty of the crime could be fined up to $8,300 or imprisoned up  to three years. Public officials or media personalities would be fined nearly  double or face up to five years in prison.

The bill also needs the approval of the Federation Council, or upper house.  It was authored five years ago and resubmitted in February.

“Rehabilitation of Nazism is not only a shot fired at the past and mocking  millions of victims,” the head of the Lower House Committee for Security, Irina  Yarovaya, a main sponsor of the bill, said in parliament. “It is also a shot  fired at the future, an instigation for new crimes against peace and  security.”

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1 comentario en «Prohibido -por ley- negar el Holocausto en Rusia»
  1. Rusia toma la estafeta del liderazgo moral del mundo, no solo en este tema tan sensible, sino en muchos mas como el de la Ley de Respeto a Simbolos Religisos con los que juzgaron a las Pussy Riot, etc etc Hasta que se vio un pais dirigido con sentido comun y sentido moral,…


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