Representatives of Spanish Sephardic heritage sites to speak in Seattle

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Representatives of Sephardic heritage sites in Spain will be in Seattle Nov. 19, 2015, to talk about 24 Spanish cities of interest to tourists, historians, scholars and anyone else curious about Sephardic heritage. The guests represent Red de Juderías, a non-profit organization funded by the Spanish government that has compiled a network of 24 Sephardic heritage cities in Spain.

Each site has been identified, refurbished and documented for visitors to see and appreciate. The organization has created a website, which guides visitors and researchers through the history. It has also created brochures in Spanish and in English, as well as a mobile device app. Travelers to Spain can follow the routes laid out in the website and brochures to experience the diverse architectural and artistic itineraries that include restored buildings, former synagogues and new signposting in Jewish Quarters.

Seattle Sephardic Network is sponsoring this free, public event, which begins at 7 p.m. at Kane Hall 110 at the University of Washington. A reception will follow. For more information contact Doreen C. Alhadeff at 206.285.5464 or [email protected]

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