Ya se anuncia la proximidad de Januke con esta nueva canción de Ash Soular, una hasta ahora relativamente desconocida cantautora californiana

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Nothing says Chanukah like a Jewish twist on an Adele classic.

Ash Soular, a relatively unknown 24-year old singer/songwriter from California, just released a music video on YouTube featuring Chanukah-inspired lyrics to the tune of Adele’s bluesy hit, ‘Rolling in the Deep’.

With images of Soular in front of Israeli landscapes, Israeli flags, lighting the menorah, and rocking out with her guitar, she begins the song with “There’s a fire, burnin’ with a spark, candles are all lit up, and it’s brining me out the dark.”

The fun lyrics continue with brief historical tidbits and jokes on indulging in fried foods.

“Finally I can eat some deep fried food. Go ahead and make some latkes cause I’m in the mood,” Soular sings.

“It’s a time when we celebrate the Jews. Don’t underestimate the things that they can do. There’s a fire from my menorah, burning for all eight nights, on this year’s Chanukah,” she continues.

Check out the music video below. Let us know what you think.

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