YAAANA is Coming to Boston this Sunday!

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Come to YAAANA’s event in NYC during Yiddish New York Festival this Sunday!
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Where: The 14th Street Y
344 E 14th St, New York, NY 10003
When: Sunday, Dec 23, 2018 2:45 pm

Join us for a screening of an original Yiddish play,“Wooden Wars” by Jana Mazurkiewicz Meisarosh followed by a discussion with the playwright. The play will have English subtitles – all are welcome!

“Wooden Wars” focuses on the lives of four young Catholics from modern Poland, each of whom changes forever when they discover that they might have Jewish roots. Sisters Zosia and Ania separate as one travels to America, converts to reform Judaism, and embraces her lesbian sexuality, while the other stays behind in Poland and marries a Chabadnik. Both come to speak Yiddish at home. Their stories are intertwined with those of their friends Jakub and Tadek, two young men whose own relationships with Jewish identity and Yiddish language are troubled. Neither as children nor as adults do the characters have control of their fates.

We are looking forward to seeing some of you in NYC this weekend!

The YAAANA team

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