A Celebration of Two Yiddish Bards:
Mordechai Gebirtig and Chava Alberstein
:לאָמיר באַזינגען די צװיי באַרימטע ייִדישע באַרדן
מרדכי געבירטיג און חוה אַלבערשטיין
Cindy Paley & The Golden State Klezmer
Sunday May 6, 3 PM
See below for details and/or visit our website.
Mordechai Gebirtig (1877 – 1942) was the most popular and beloved Yiddish songwriter of the 20th Century. His songs express the heart and soul of each person and at the same time reflect the feelings and striving of the Jewish people as a whole. So popular were his songs that many were mistaken for folksongs. Among them are
Reyzele (Reisl) — about young love;
Yosl Ber — about joining the army, and
Undzer Shtetl Brent (Our Town is Burning)
They are by turns tender, pithy, and prescient.
Chava Alberstein is perhaps best known for being the great diva (like Joan Baez) of Israeli popular music. But during her entire career of performing in Hebrew, she also performed and recorded Yiddish songs. Her most recent forays into Yiddish were composing and arranging original music to the words of famous Yiddish poets.
The beautiful songs of these two outstanding artists will be performed by acclaimed singer Cindy Paley, accompanied by
Miamon Miller (violin),
Isaac Sadigursky (accordion), and Zinovy Goro (clarinet). DON’T MISS THIS WONDERFUL MUSICAL EVENT!
װען WHEN: Sunday, May 6, 3 PM
װוּ׃ WHERE: Santa Monica Synagogue, 1448 18th St.
Santa Monica (at Broadway)
װיפֿל׃ ADMISSION: $18 General $16 Members
FT Students
RSVP: [email protected] 310-745-1190
Co-sponsored by the Santa Monica Synagogue
Supported in part by
Ruth Ziegler Foundation
Baran Family Foundation
Nurit & Rick Amdur
Webstation One
and Friends and Members of CIYCL
A Taste of the CIYCL Ahead:
August 19, Santa Monica
The Transformation of Eli Wiesel from Yiddish Journalist to Novelist
Prof. Yoshigi Hirose (Notre Dame Seishin University, Japan)
The California Institute for Yiddish Culture and Language was established as a non-profit
501(c)3 organization in 1999 to rescue a unique and amazing culture from oblivion by transmitting knowledge of its myriad riches and its outsize influences on popular culture. We depend on the interest and generosity of people like you to continue our mission.
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