A nuclear Iran isn’t just Israel’s problem

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There are some who argue that Iran is a threat to Israel alone and not to the U.S. or the rest of the world. It is no wonder that the possibility of an Israeli attack on the Iranian nuclear facility causes some people more panic and concern than the threat of Iran itself.

Some have claimed that Iran is developing nuclear weapons because, like Israel, it feels surrounded and threatened by enemies. A few analysts, and even some public officials in the U.S. and Europe, have maintained that the U.S. could contain Iran should it develop a nuclear bomb. Those who expound that argument claim that it is possible to live with a nuclear Iran as long as clear conditions are imposed on Tehran, such as imposing a threat of retaliation should certain conditions exist.

Of course, these arguments are highly problematic. Iran has been a threat to its neighbors from the outset as it was a revolutionary regime that acted to topple pro-Western Arab regimes and escalate the war against Israel. Iran also developed the concept of the suicide fighter in the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988) and created the terrorist suicide bomber through its proxy, Hezbollah, which is responsible for the killing of 241 U.S marines in October 1983. This practice was later adopted by terrorist organizations, such as Hamas and Al Qaeda.


Read More: SunSentinel.com

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