Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn, interpretada por The Irving Fields Trio (V4)

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Para que puedas disfrutar de esta canción, y las miles más que vamos rescatando necesitamos de tu ayuda. Manda tu donativo hoy mismo y ayúdanos a preservar este tesoro. Disfruta la canción de hoy…[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


Bay mir bistu sheyn

Kh’vel dir zogn, dir glaykh tzu hern
Az du zolst mir libe derklern
Ven du redst mit di oygn
Volt ikh mit dir gefloygn vu du vilst
S’art mikh nit on
Ven du host a bisele seykhl
Un ven du vaytzt dayn kindershn shmeykhl
Vendu bist vild vi indianer
Bist afile a galitsianer
Zog ikh: dos art mikh nit.

Bay mir bistu sheyn,
Bay mir hos tu heyn,
Bay mir bistu eyner oyf der velt.
Bay mir bistu sheyn,
Bay mir hostu heyn,
Bay mir bistu tayerer fun gelt.

Fil sheyne meydlekh hobn gevolt nemen mir,
Un fun zey ale oysgeklibn hob ikh nor dikh.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]suscribete-titulo[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Irving Fields

Irving Fields (born August 4, 1915) is an American pianist and lounge music artist who was born in New York City, New York. Some of his most noteworthy compositions include “Miami Beach Rhumba”, “Managua, Nicaragua” and “Chantez, Chantez,” covered by Dinah Shore in 1957. From November 1, 1954 to January 3, 1955, he and his orchestra appeared on the DuMont Television Network series The Ilona Massey Show, hosted by Ilona Massey.

Fields’ most famous album is Bagels & Bongos (1959), recorded for Decca Records with his trio, which sold two million copies. The next year he released the sequel More Bagels & Bongos, which was reissued on CD in 2009 by Roman Midnight Music under the direct creative advisement of 94-year-old Fields, the only reissue commissioned directly by Irving. Fields claims to have recorded nearly 100 albums featuring trios, quartets, orchestras and solo. His most known work is the 1960s output that directly followed Bagels & Bongos and fused international music with Latin, including: Bikinis and Bongos, featuring Hawaiian music, Pizza and Bongos featuring Italian music and Champagne and Bongos featuring French music. He also did an album of songs done in a Twist style called Twistin!. Fields’ sister was Peppy Fields, often called the Sophie Tucker of Miami, who hosted celebrity radio and TV shows for 35 years.

Fields wrote, upon a fan’s request, a YouTube theme song. The song, “YouTube Dot Com Theme Song”, which he wrote within fifteen minutes, has subsequently received over 800,000 views and was released on iTunes. In July 2012 Roman Midnight Music, a Manhattan indie book publisher/music label owned by music critic and author Aaron Joy published The Pianos I Have Known: The Autobiography Of Irving Fields. The book was created via conversations between 94 year old Fields with Tony Sachs, who writes regularly for The Huffington Post. As of 2015, Fields plays six nights a week at Nino’s Tuscany, an Italian restaurant in New York City. He turned 100 in August 2015.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] tiene como propósito el preservar la música judía en Yiddish, Hebreo, Judeo-Espanyol y otros idiomas.

Fundada por Roman Ajzen en 2006, Save the Music es ahora el principal colector de LP’s de yiddish en el mundo. Igual de importante es su objetivo de convertirse en un lugar de encuentro virtual para que los artistas interactúen y promuevan gratuitamente sus conciertos, eventos y nuevos lanzamientos.

Este proyecto abarca el descubrimiento de grabaciones antiguas, enriqueciéndolas con letras, traducciones, transcripciones, partituras, y biografías de los artistas intérpretes y compositores. Cuando se escribió la canción? ¿Por qué? ¿Cuál era el contexto social de la canción? ¿Qué le dijo que tiene la intención de transmitir al oyente?

Múltiples representaciones de la misma canción con diferentes ritmos, ritmos, idiomas, y en varias fechas están disponibles para inspirarte. Incluso ofrecemos un sistema de “aprender hebreo” para aquellos que quieran aprender canciones con las transcripciones significativas y traducciones.

Todos estos tesoros están disponibles en línea en, un proyecto del Internet Development Fund, una organización sin fines de lucro, 501c3 California.


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