“Behind The Scene” con David Bedein, desde Israel

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David Bedein desde Israel nos entrega una edición más de “Behind The Scene”.

Acerca de David Bedein

David Bedein, Bureau Chief Israel Resource News Agency Israel Resource News Agency has one purpose: to report Israel's reality to the media by retaining the services of the best Israeli and Arab journalists to cover, research and investigate the events of the day. Since its inception in 1987, Israel Resource News Agency has covered every aspect of peace negotiations, providing hands-on coverage for the press from Jerusalem, Ramallah, Gaza, Gush Etzion, Hebron, Oslo, Bonn, Brussels, the Wye Plantation, Shepherdstown, Washington, Ottawa, Toronto and Vienna. Israel Resource News Agency conducts its news investigations with commissions from bona fide news organizations and foundation grants. All fees and funds are transmitted to Israel Resource News Agency through an IRS tax deductible organization, known as The Middle East Research Center., Ltd, Suite 700,1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20004, and earmarked to "The Center for Near East Policy Research. For more information visit: www.israelbehindthenews.com

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