El platillo favorito de Gabby Douglas es la Sopa de Matze Balls (en Inglés)

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Aly Raisman isn’t the only member of the U.S. Olympic women’s gymnastics team who appreciates Jewish culture.

Raisman’s teammate, 16-year-old Gabby Douglas, who took home the gold medal in the women’s individual all-around competition as well as the women’s team event, revealed to Us Weekly that her favourite meal happens to be matzoh ball soup.

As part of a feature on the gymnast, the magazine published a list written by Douglas called “25 Things You Don’t know About Me.”

Douglas listed her appreciation for the traditional Passover meal no. 13 on the list.

“My favourite meal is matzo ball soup,” she declared.

The list’s very next item also revealed that Douglas is a fan of Jewish recording artist, Drake, in addition to Lil Wayne and Katy Perry.

The complete list can be found bellow.

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