Der yidisher tamtam: a bi-monthly magazine

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Der yidisher tamtam is a bi-monthly magazine published by the Maison de la culture yiddish (Paris Yiddish Center) and intended for students of Yiddish. Founded in 1995, its editorial committee consists of Sharon  bar-Kochva, Evelyne Grumberg, Natalia Krynicka and Rubye Monet, under the pedagogic supervision of  Yitskhok Niborski. It is written entirely in Yiddish, with articles on a variety of subjects —  news, culture, topics of Jewish interest, games, etc. and of varied linguistic difficulty, with footnotes in French, English and Hebrew to explain difficult words or idiomatic expressions.

It is available in a printed version, which can be purchased at the Maison de la culture yiddish, or by subscription and an electronic version that can be downloaded free of charge (latest issue or previous issues) on the website of the Maison de la culture yiddish.

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