Letter to the Editor
It seems that Hanukkah is coming early this year. I am happy to learn that the President of South Africa , Cyril Ramaphosa, a BDS supporter has changed his tune and now praises Israel. Specifically, he expressed his hopes that South Africa can emulate Israel’s approach to funding research in order to create a high-tech economy similar to the start-up nation.
Another early Hanukkah gift is witnessing Brazilian players of Corinthian’s football team wearing a yellow star on their uniforms in memory of Kristallnacht.
Moreover, Congressman Nadler and Democratic presidential hopeful Biden along with 50 Jewish organizations have objected to the anti-Israel politicians, Warren, Sanders, Buttigieg, who want to stop aid to Israel. These ignoramuses fail to recognize that Israel uses 74% of the military aid the USA gives Israel to buy American military equipment and the rest in joint ventures between both countries. USA doesn’t give any economic help to Israel.
Rabbi Shmuely Boteach is furious with the poor manners of the Anti Semitic group known as Code Pink who failed to keep their promise to remain quiet and composed while the Rabbi was speaking, displaying a clear lack of education and class. The Rabbi used his valuable time to educate the group of lying vandals.
Saeid Mollaei , Judo champion who fled Iran and asked for asylum in Germany is ready to befriend Israeli World Champion Sagi Muki.
Furthermore, I am pleased to hear that the United Arab Emirates are inviting Israelis to participate at Expo 2020 in Dubai with intentions of improving relations between Israel and the Arab States.
On the other hand, I object to President Rivlin’s meeting with a leftist useless Jewish organization called the ADL which has lowered themselves to the point where they even refuse e-mails unless you agree with them. In fact Dr. Andrew Bostom, author on Islamic anti Semitism asks and I quote “Has the ADL become a Democratic Party operation?” It appears so in my eyes.
In Norway, a decree was issued in January 1943 requiring all Jews to have a red “J” stamped in their identification papers.
Now the Oslo City Council are banning the purchase of goods and services from Israeli settlements as Norway wishes to call the land of Israel in Judea and Samaria.
Do note that one of the most anti-Semitic organizations called J Street is using the same letter that was used by Norway to classify the Jews. Recently J Street applauded the likes of Senators Warren, Sanders and other anti-Semites.
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