For the first time since its establishment: a Torah scroll was brought into a Chabad house

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The streets of Irvine, located in Orange County, California, witnessed an unusual spectacle this week. The event and ceremony of bringing in the first Torah scroll that was placed in a Chabad house for Israelis, which is located in the city and serves the Israeli community in the entire county.


The director of the Chabad house, Rabbi Rafi Dadon, founded Chabad Israeli OC several years ago together with his wife, for the benefit of the thousands of Israelis who live there, and for the many visitors to the city, which is considered the “Silicon Valley” of medical tech companies, and in the district that houses the famous amusement parks Disneyland, six flags and others.

About two years ago the chabad house moved to a new residence and prayer services are held there every Shabbat. After a long period of borrowing Torah scrolls, this week a new and elegant Torah scroll was brought into the place, donated by friends of the Chabad house, the benefactors of the honorable Adri family, who donated the new sefer in honor of their late parents z”l.

The ceremony of writing the letters took place on the street of the city in the presence of dozens of local Jews, after which there was a procession with singing and dancing towards the Chabad house, where the customary circumambulation and a festive mitzvah meal were held

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