La Comunidad Shalom, en San Miguel de Allende (en Inglés)

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Yes, there is a Jewish community in San Miguel de Allende, GTO (has been one for many years, actually!)

Shalom San Miguel de Allende, which has established itself 6 1/2 years ago as an umbrella organization to promote all aspects of Jewish life and to fostering a sense of Jewish identity among its members. We registered last year as CHESMA, AC (una Comunidad Hebrea En SMA) and are now in the final stages of buying a building for our new SMA Jewish Cultural and Community Center (the “JC3”) to serve the social, creative, intellectual, and spiritual needs of our community. A Jewish cemetery will also be established in the near future, pending local government approval.



Our minyan group follows a traditional/egalitarian minhag (Conservative) and our siddurim and machzorim have been completely translated and transliterated phonetically into both English and Spanish. We are in the process of affiliating with Masorti Olami AmLat…. All are welcome to attend our religious services, classes and social events, (except messianics, sorry.)

Unlike most synagogues in Mexico and Latin America, SSMA/CHESMA, AC welcomes converts and B’nai Anusim interested in formal conversion (or more technically, “return”) to Judaism. We have facilitated the conversion of 24 young Mexicans over the past several years (via a kosher Conservative Bet Din by 3 visiting Rabbincal Assembly-member US rabbis) which has greatly enriched and revitalized our community.


For more info, see our website:

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