On Sunday, Dec 15, by error, we listened at about 1 pm to a program “Middle East in Focus” on Radio station KPFK 90.7am (Tel 1818 985 2711). The interview was with a vile-ignorant antisemite who denies the aid that the people in Gaza have received from and via Israel. It must be that she does not know about nor see a video of the multiple trucks crossing the border from Israel to Gaza. Nor does she notice, in many instances, Hamas keeping the food for themselves from their brethren, shooting at the Gaza civilians. Thereby, these terrorists are enriching themselves further.
This woman continued to speak sheer lies such as, about the killing of the Palestinian civilians by the Israelis, there was no mention of course that Israel frequently forewarns the residents to leave before any attacks. She continued nonstop to lambast Israel and their soldiers with lies about the destruction of their hospitals even though, Hamas used them to hide their weapons as they also did in schools so the presence of children would serve as a human shield.
She must have forgotten to mention how so many of their people have been cared for in Israeli hospitals.
None of these antisemitic pro-Palestinians ever figured that if Hamas were to surrender and return the hostages, then the war would end.
Hamas has not accepted a peace treaty, but then they never keep them anyway.
Listening to her spewing out one vicious lie after another about Israel was horrific and terrifying. This was also due to the fact that the host of the program did not intercede the whole time and question the veracity or origin of her statements.
The next day, I was further appalled when I called the station and spoke with a man who would not give me his name. He did offer his views and ideas for instance that Israel is killing civilians including children about over 40,000. Of course, this week it became clear once again that those numbers are bullshit.
Tragically worse is that although he told me he is a Christian, he is offended by the Evangelical Christians for their desire to be in Jerusalem. How is that possible?
This shows you the extent of the antisemitism that pervades in at least some of the people on this radio station.
You can see below that KPFK 90.7am are Associates with programs from tremendously well- known antisemites such as J Voice for Peace, Code Pink, and Democracy Now.
Interesting (and sad) that apparently this program’s host is also chairperson of Jewish Voice for Peace. So what can be expected?
In my opinion, I find it very offensive that this radio station tries to fill the supposed gaps in middle east information, but does it with lies and hatred for Israel.
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