“Mamele”, interpretada por Teddy Horowitz

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“Mamele” (Mamita) forma parte de un repertorio de 12 canciones tradicionales en Yiddish titulado “Las Canciones De La Bobe”, interpretado por Teddy Horowitz (Argentina, 2005. Musika S.A.). Mamele, música y letra por Mitchell Parish, Alex Alstone y Al Goodhart.


Ot ze dikh du tsindst di likht far shabes,
Di shekhine rut un laykht oyf dayn gezikht,
Heylik yedes vort, getlkh vert dos ort,
Bentshndik di likht.

Mamele, mamele,
Mit libshaft vel ikh rufn dikh Mamele,
Oygn mid, shvakh dayn hant,
A golden harts hostu, un yeder kind farshteyst.

Ikh gedenk vi du flegst mir baruikn,
A kind fun dray yor bloyz, ikh darf dir zeyer,
Vi du flegst mir zetsn damolst oyf dayn shoys,
Mit a kush opgevisht yedn trer.

Vays dayn kop, vi shney vos falt,
Got, vi es tut bang vos du verst gro un alt,
Mamele, mamele,
Zay gebensht fun Got, Mamele.


When I see you, you are lighting the Shabbat candles,
God’s presence is resting and lighting up your countenance,
Every word is holy, this place becomes godly,
Blessed is the light.

Mother, dear mother,
With love do I call you Mother,
Tired eyes, your hand is frail,
You have a golden heart, and every child understands this.

I remember how you hushed me,
A child just three years old, I needed you so much,
How you used to put me on your lap,
With a kiss would wipe away every tear.

White is your head, like falling snow,
God, how sorrowful it is that you are grey and old,
Mother, dear mother,

May God bless you, Mamele.

  • Si Usted desea escuchar este disco en su totalidad en SaveTheMusic.com, oprima aquí.

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