Purim shpil, de Sholem Aleikhem

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Visiting With King Ahasuerus by Sholem Aleichem
Yiddish title: Baym Kenig Akhashveres

A rich man’s son sneaks out of his home to celebrate Purim with a band of poor Purim-shpielers (performers). Class hatreds boil to the surface when his snobbish father and his hated tutor burst in to ruin his fun.

Sholem Aleichem, Old Country Tales, p.51-64; and Shevrin, A Treasury of Shalom Aleichem Children’s Stories, p.19-35. Yiddish source: Mayses farYiddishe Kinder: TsveyterBukh, Ar42 Band 1,Vov: 53-71.

The Purim Feast by Sholem Aleichem
Yiddish title: Tsu Der Sude

The festive spirit of the holiday is lost at a Purim banquet held at the home of a rich relation everyone fears.

Sholem Aleichem, Tevye’s Daughters, p.239-246. Yiddish source: Lekoved Yontif Tsveyter Bukh, AV’42 Band 1, Daled: 91-102.

Purim Sweet Platters by Sholem Aleichem
Yiddish title: Shalakhmones; A Bild

A brief, but touching description of the custom of sending shalakhmones.

Sholem Aleichem, Old Country Tales, p.269-271. Yiddish source: Lekoved Yontif Tsveyter Bukh, AV’42 Band 1, Daled: 195-98.

Two Dead Men by Sholem Aleichem
Yiddish title: Tsvey Toyte

On Purim, it is “fitting and proper for a Jew to act the drunkard and a storyteller to play the fool.” In this delightful tale, a drunk-ard and a beggar meet in a mud pile and stumble to the former’s home for a Purim meal.

Sholem Aleichem, The Old Country, p.51-66. Yiddish source: Alt-Nay Kasrilevke, AV’42 Band 4, Beys: 181-199.

yiddish-storiesFrom the book: Guide to Yiddish Short Stories
by Bennett Muraskin

A reference to 130 Yiddish stories available in translation. Includes concise plot summaries arranged by subject; bibliographical information; and biographical sketches of authors.

Buy it online, click here.

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