“Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen”, interpretada por Bruno Girard y Denis Cuniot

- - Visto 472 veces

Esta canción forma parte de un repertorio de 12 canciones en Yiddish titulado “Yat (Yiddish Atmospheric Touch) – Mir Geyen”, interpretado por Bruno Girard y Denis Cuniot (Francia), compuesta por Abraham Goldfaden.

ראָזינקעס מיט מאנדלען

In dem Beis-Hamikdosh
In a vinkl cheyder
Zitst di almone, bas-tsion, aleyn
Ihr ben yochidle yideln vigt zi keseider
Un zingt im tzum shlofn a ledeleh sheyn.

Unter Yidele’s vigele
Shteyt a klor-vays tsigele
Dos tsigele iz geforn handlen
Dos vet zayn dayn baruf
Rozhinkes mit mandlen
Slof-zhe, Yidele, shlof.

In dem lidl mayn kind,
Lign fil nevues
Az du vest amol zayn tsezeyt oyf der velt.
A soykher vest du zayn fun ale tvues,
Un vest fardinen in dem oykh fil gelt.

Un az du vest raykh yidele.
Zolzt du zikh dermonen in dem lidele.
Rozhinkes mit mandlen,
Dos vet zayn dayn baruf.
Yidele vet alts ding handlen,
Shlof-zhe, Yidele, shlof.


In the Temple,
in a corner of a room,
Sits the widowed daughter of Zion, alone.
She rocks her only son, Yidele, to sleep
With a sweet lullaby.

Under Yidele’s cradle
Stands a small white goat.
The goat travelled to sell his wares
This will be Yidele’s calling, too.
Trading in raisins and almonds.
Sleep, Yidele, sleep.

In that song, my child, lie many wonders,
When you will at some time
Be scattered throughout the world
A merchant of all grains,
Earning from your trade a lot of money.

And when you become rich, Yidele,
Remind yourself of this lullaby.
Raisins and almonds.
This will be your calling.
You’ll be a merchant of all wares,
But for now, sleep, Yidele, sleep.

  • Si Usted desea escuchar este disco en su totalidad en SaveTheMusic.com, oprima aquí.

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