Shaare Zedek Enacts Disaster Response System in Wake of Major Bus Accident

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In the wake of a major bus accident that took place outside of Jerusalem today, Shaare Zedek Medical Center enacted its disaster response system with medical specialists and support teams converging on the ambulance bays of the Gerald Leigh Shock and Trauma Unit in the Weinstock Department of Emergency Medicine. Within an hour of the collision which saw a commuter bus flip onto its side, Shaare Zedek had absorbed 19 patients.

Among the wounded, the hospital treated two seriously injured patient and five moderately injured victims. Upon arrival at the hospital one of the seriously injured was stabilized and their condition quickly updated to moderate.

The remainder were lightly wounded and were prepared for release after being treated and monitored. Among the wounded were four children referred to the Glaubach Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine of the Wilf Children’s Hospital.

Dr. Alon Schwartz, Senior Trauma Surgeon briefed the media after the triage and immediate treatment phase had been completed saying that among the children was a one year old baby who was lightly injured but whose condition was stable.

While the hospital regularly is called upon to treat victims of major traumas including victims of terror attacks, this is the first time in months that a mass disaster incident response has gone into effect. This is a situation for which the hospital is positioned to respond to at all hours of the day and night. The staff undergoes regular and ongoing training both internally and in coordination with local and national emergency response organizations including the IDF.

Acerca de Central de Noticias Diario Judío México

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