Shaare Zedek recently underwent an inspection of its services by the Israeli Ministry of Health and we are delighted to share some of the feedback the hospital has received.

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“Shaare Zedek is particularly blessed with some of the best professionals in the country.”
“We sensed that the staff works well together and there is an impressive camaraderie and involvement from everyone.”
“We felt that those who work at Shaare Zedek feel at home here and not just in a workplace.”

The inspection lasted three days and more than 50 departments were reviewed. The Ministry of Health was impressed with all aspects of the hospital, and in particular with the compassionate care provided to everyone.

Professor Ofer Merin, Director General of Shaare Zedek, commented:

“I am proud of each and every member of staff, as it is thanks to them that we were able to pass this inspection with such high marks. In the days leading up to the ministry’s visit, we saw the teams preparing in a professional and responsible manner, and we felt that the success of the medical center is also its staff.
Professional and innovative medicine goes hand in hand with dedication and compassionate care.

This is Shaare Zedek. We thank the staff of the Ministry of Health for their time and for this important inspection, which will help us to continue to improve.”

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