Shir la Shalom

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Shir Lashalom- lyrics & transliteration שיר לשלום גרסה מקורית
I couldn’t find a translated version of this song, and thought some would find it useful.
original version, sung by Miri Aloni and Lehakat Hanachal.

*I know the english line is a bit too low, sorry about that.

Lyrics: Yankale (Ya’akov) Rotblit
Music: Yair Rosenblum


Tnu lashemesh la’alot
laboker le’ha’ir
Hazaka shebatfilot
otanu lo tachzir

Mi asher kava nero
u’ve’Afar nitman
Bechi mar lo ya’iro
lo yachziro le’chan

Ish otanu lo yashiv
mibor tachtit a’fel –
kan lo yo’ilu –
lo simchat hanitzachon
Velo shirei hallel

Lachen rak shiru shir lashalom
al tilhashu tfila
lachen rak shiru shir lashalom
bitze’aka gdola

Tnu lashemesh lachador
miba’ad laprachim
al tabitu le’achor
hanichu la’holchim

S’u eina’yim betikva
lo derech kavanot
shiru shir la’ahava
velo lamilchamot

Al tagidu yom yavo
havi’u et hayom –
ki lo chalom hu –
uve’chol hakikarot
hari’u rak shalom


Let the sun rise
light up the morning
The purest of prayers
will not bring us back

He whose candle was snuffed out
and was buried in the dust
bitter crying won’t wake him up
and won’t bring him back

Nobody will bring us back
from a dead and darkened pit
neither the victory cheer
nor songs of praise will help

So just sing a song for peace
don’t whisper a prayer
Just sing a song for peace
in a loud shout

Allow the sun to penetrate
through the flowers
don’t look back
let go of those departed

Lift your eyes with hope
not through the rifles’ sights
sing a song for love
and not for wars

Don’t say the day will come
bring on that day –
because it is not a dream –
and in all the city squares
cheer only for peace!

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