Some digressions on FRENAAA, that political parody

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In Mexico I was a propagandist, advertiser and market researcher, and I realized sociological studies and ideological strategies for brands and political parties such as PAN, PRI, MORENA, Audi, McDonald´s, John Deere, OXXO, etc. With that experience and reading, for example, W. Lippmann, E. Bernays, U. Eco and I. Kant, I learned that public opinion, that “mass of judgements on most of the subjects which touch” our “daily physical or mental life”[1] (1), is constituted by four social aspects: public rationality, public conception, public expression and public perception. I want, with the said concepts, to render some digressions about the political opinions of FRENAAA (Anti-AMLO National Front), that political parody.

The public rationality, commonly, comes from religion, that is to say, it is ontological (from “God” to “World”). For instance, some quasi-intellectuals of FRENAAA, that is, some Mexican professionals and proletarians without political illustration, say that the Protestantism´s hard work is the principal reason of the Anglo-American capitalism richness; this is not congruent, for example, with Job (1: 21), which says: “The Lord gave me what I had,/ and the Lord has taken it away”. The Neovulgata says: “Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit”. The main reason of the such richness is, therefore, God.

Such unconscious rationality I call “theological induction”, which is the bedrock of the Mexican middle class´s ideology. The quasi-intellectuals´s critics against AMLO are “plenty stupid” because they want the folks to celebrate antipopular statutes. They want, by means incongruent propaganda and unfair political struggles, to destroy the Mexican State[2] (2), according to Tomasini Bassols, a Mexican philosopher.

The public conception, ordinarily, comes from indiscreet experiences, that is to say, it is unconsciously physico-theological (from “I” to “World”). For instance, some Mexican proletarians and professionals affirm that businessmen are the singular folk chosen by God to fight against poverty. They believe, I think, that the Psalm 3 is their war slogan; such a psalm says: “May you bless your people”. The Neovulgata says: “super populum tuum benedicto tuo”.

The Bible is not an archive of ideals, but a text of ideas, as Kant taught[3] (3). Such inductive self-conception or self-transfiguration I call “piousness induction”. They believe that they are not proletarians or human members of working class, but capitalist class clubs, or a “new nobility”, for four reasons: economic superiority, skin color, egoism and provincialism[4](4). Their political votes are, therefore, conservatives.

The public expression, commonly, comes from the pseudosciences and techniques that are propagated in schools, Mass Media, unions, parties, etc. For instance, some Mexican proletarians and professionals say that the greatest corporations create for society “values”, “employments”, “development opportunities”, etc., and with such words they think that they are blessing humanity; this is not congruent with Jesuschrist´s words (Matthew 15: 8): “These people honor me with their lips,/ but their hearts are far from me”. The Neovulgata says: “Populus hic labiis me honorat,/ cor autem eorum longe est a me”. Such false words I call ”metaphysical nominalism”.

The non-concordance between “experience” (labor exploitation), “awareness” (bourgeois consciousness) and “communication” (metaphysical nominalism) is called by Carl Rogers “incongruence”[5] (5). The non-congruence between “experience” and “awareness”, he says, causes “defensiveness” (as the Axel Kaiser´s speeches), and the non-congruence between “awareness” and “communication” causes, he says, “falseness” (as the motivation books).

The public perception, ordinarily, is configured, or clouded, by the Mass Media, that habituates the masses to intuitions without objects, that is, to the paralogism called “ens imaginarium”. Such an optical illusion I call “multiplicative blindness”. Some Mexican proletarians and professionals affirm, for instance, that poverty is only the darkside of our society, and affirm that we must want empires, cars, golden watches, etc.; this is not congruent with Psalm 131, which says: “Lord, my heart is not proud;/ my eyes are not haughty”. The Neovulgata says: “Domine, non est exaltatum cor meum,/ neque elati sunt oculi mei”.

They are not capitalism nor money´s viceroys. The factual capitalist, the dominant class, have political “power, control over working conditions, and financial-decision making”[6] (6), as Thier says. Professionals as engineers, doctors, lawyers, university professors, tradesmans, are only a proletarian “layer of society”. Such a layer thinks that it is the dominant class because it has, more or less, superior “income levels, education, lifestyles, and pattern of consumption”. Oh, surprise! 63 percent of the US society, por example, is the labor force, and 35 percent is the middle class (proletarian class with academic degrees) and 2 percent is the corporate elite. How worse is it in Mexico!  Says Thier: “Class position is therefore determined by material reality rather than ideology”.-

[1] Bernays, Edward, Crystallizing Public Opinion. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1923.

[2] Tomasini, Alejandro, Intelectuales tropicales y golpes de Estado. Retrieved Nov. 4, 2020, from:

[3] Lema-Hicapié, Andrés, Kant y la Biblia: principios kantianos de exégesis bíblica. CDMX: Diánoia, Nov., 2007.

[4] Goldthorpe, John; Lockwood, David, Affluence and the British Class Structure, Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series in the Social Sciences, 1961.

[5] Rogers, Carl, On Becoming a Person. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989.

[6] Thier, Hadas, The Working Class is the Vast Majority of Society, Jacobine, Sep. 13, 2020.

Acerca de Edvard Zeind Palafox

Edvard Zeind Palafox   es Redactor Publicitario – Planner, Licenciado en Mercadotecnia y Publicidad (UNIMEX), con una Maestría en Mercadotecnia (con Mención Honorífica en UPAEP). Es Catedrático de tiempo completo, ha participado en congresos como expositor a nivel nacional.

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