The Chassidim

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After about three weeks with the encounter with this gentleman from New York, we picked up two Chassidim at the San Diego Airport:  Rabbi Shia H. and Rabbi Avroham S. and brought them to the Centro Social Israelita in Tijuana in order that they take a look at the Mikveh we were building guiding us by information from internet.  It so happened again to be on a Wednesday when we have our special meal, and this time, the piano-player was featured.

Since we were right at meal time, one of the assistants was asked to show the two Chassidim Rabbinim, especially versed in  building Mikvaot, the Mikveh being built.

Soon, the assistant came running back, and told us ‘’the Rabbinim are undoing the Mikveh’’.  ‘’Take it easy’’, we told her, ‘’they know what they are doing.  Let them work’’.

On completing their inspection, the Chassidim said that the Mikveh that was being built was not acceptable and had to be taken out and re-done and they would instruct us on what to do and how to do it.

We were to follow their precise instructions and send them pictures of before and after and then we could continue after their approval before getting to the new phase.  They also advised us that a ‘’Preparation Room’’ was needed for the ladies’ using the facilities.

Rabbi Shia H. took charge and Rabbi Avroham S. said that he would help if anything else was needed.  Lo and behold, everything was done strictly according to their instructions which included choosing the materials and the supervision of the work to be done.,

On October 17th. Rabbi Shia H. came once again and declared the Mikveh ‘’Kosher’’.

The Inauguration of the New Mikveh is taking place on Saturday, December 09 at 8 P.M..

All the Jewish Communities are invited to participate in this unique event.  Please R.S.V.P.

Acerca de Sofía Model Segal

The community work at the Centro Social Israelita de Baja California, A. C. Mrs. Sofía Model Segal started in the 1970’S. The only opening in the board was in the religious committee, and she worked there for 5 years. Her son Eric Segal and Dr. Louis Katz conducted the High Holidays free of charge. The fist orthodox Rabbi, Rabbi David Weicman, now a teacher at an Israeli Hebrew University, was brought by Mrs. Segal from Mexico City. In the 1980´S she was the accompanist of a choir at the Centro Social for five years. And since 1997 she woked for the Centro and was chosen as President of the same. She instituted the first Jewish accredited grammar school of Tijuana which lasted a few years until she had to leave for personal circunstances. Now she was instrumental in building a new Kosher Mikveh which was approved on October 17th 2017. This beautiful Mikveh will be inaugurated on December 09, 2017. A contest for an original drawing or Project of a Mikveh was entered by children 14 years or younger including those from the Centro Social, San Diego Jewish Academy, Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School, Chabad Jewish Academy and Beth Eliyahu.

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