Welcoming Shabbat with Lecha Dodi Sung by a Cappella Group Six13

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Are you still hungry after yesterday’s Thanksgiving feast? Well, you’re in luck because it’s time for another feast, this time the weekly Shabbat dinner.

To accompany the challah, wine, and other Shabbat specialties, we’re providing the musical background that can be sung without using instruments, as shown by the a cappella group Six13.

Six13 is a six-man vocal band that brings an unprecedented style of Jewish music to the stage, with songs ranging from hip-hop dance tracks to rock anthems. The members of the New York City-based group sound like a full band – while using nothing but their voices.
Six13 has recorded five award-winning albums, whose songs have been played all over Jewish radio and been chosen to appear on nine different “best of” compilation albums. The group has over 20,000 CDs in circulation, and are among the top Jewish music artists on iTunes.

Enjoy, and Shabbat shalom.

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