Obama defends mosque near Ground Zero 9/11 twin towers site

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Last week, President Obama took a brave stand in support of a core American principle: freedom of religion.

Now, President Obama is under serious attack from Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and much of the Republican Party, who are using the proposed Islamic community center in Lower Manhattan to whip up fear and hate. We all need to speak out and stand with the President in defense of basic American values.

Check out this powerful video from his speech, and then please forward it to five friends. Just click below or go to http://pol.moveon.org/religiousfreedom

P.S. There are a lot of myths going around about the Islamic center near Ground Zero, so we thought we’d also share this article to set the record straight: http://www.moveon.org/r?r=89994&id=22657-17979499-WvPYUnx&t=3

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