Come Catch Ben, then Binyumen, in Back-to-back Weekends

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Come catch
Ben Schaechter
and then
Binyumen Schaechter
in back-to-back weekends
Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016, 9:30 PM
at the
Metropolitan Room
34 West 22 St, New York City
It Helps to Sing About It:
Songs of Ben Schaechter and Dan Kael
with a terrific cast of award-winning performers:
Celia Berk, Nora Davis, Joshua Lance Dixon
Kelli Rabke, Marissa Mulder, David Perlman
Ben Schaechter, Pianist  
For more info, and for tickets
To hear a sampling of Schaechter/Kael songs:
unnamed-2And then
Sunday, September 25, 2016, 4:30 p.m.
Merkin Concert Hall
129 West 67 Street, New York City
To Life, To Laugh, L’chaim!
A Centennial Celebration in Song 
of the Classic Yiddish Writer

Sholem Aleichem 

performed by the
Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC
Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor
Seth Weinstein, Pianist
with featured soloists
Cantor Joel Caplan
Temma Schaechter (of Di Shekhter-tekhter)
For more information and to order tickets:
To hear a sampling of JPPC YouTube videos:
We hope to see you there and there!

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