Government followers reject deportation of alleged FARC member

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Dozens of people demonstrated in front of the headquarters of the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to reject the deportation to Colombia of Joaquín Pérez Becerra, an alleged member of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and editor of the Stockholm-based Noticias Nueva Colombia (Anncol) news agency. They defended him on the grounds that his detention was a violation to human rights.

“We are in the streets to demand the government to respect our revolutionary comrade,” shouted one protester. The rally was convened by the Continental Bolivarian Movement (MCB), based in Caracas, AFP reported.

Protesters carried signs where they described called Nicolás Maduro, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Andrés Izarra, the Minister of Communication and Information, as “traitors” to socialism, which is promoted by the Venezuelan government.


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