Libyan delegation visits Caracas looking for support

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A Libyan delegation has arrived in Caracas to discuss a peaceful solution to the ongoing war conflict in the North African country, said on Tuesday Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez.

The Venezuelan Head of State is an ally of Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi. Chávez has supported Gaddafi since the outbreak of a widespread revolt against the Libyan ruler in February, Reuters reported.

“A delegation sent by Gaddafi has arrived in Venezuela, is in Venezuela, and we are seeking international support to find a peaceful outcome. That’s enough wars, onslaught on third world countries,” Chávez commented during a speech delivered to a group of workers.

Last month, Chávez tried to lead a global effort to avoid military action by Washington and its NATO allies against the Libyan government, but the proposal received a lukewarm response.

Muammar Gaddafi is losing ground following attacks launched by an international alliance.


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