Letters by Pablo Nankin MD

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Uncontrolled anti-Israel protests have occurred once again, with the only difference being their proximity to us. Anti-Israel protesters chose Pico Blvd near Robertson, a mostly Jewish neighborhood, to create havoc for the residents, synagogues, and any pedestrians resembling Jews. These mindless thugs have no understanding of the world in general and democratic Israel specifically. Regardless of the number of violent aggressors present, the police should have intervened and stopped the attackers immediately. How is this even allowed to happen? It seems that ‘law and order’ no longer prevails in our society.
Lawlessness has taken over the city, and we he number of anti-zionist and anti semitic protests are spiraling. This recent incident on Pico Blvd is a stark reminder of this. These protestors aim to increase the hatred of Israel, Jews everywhere, and violence.
The police must intervene promptly to prevent such incidents, ensuring that violent aggressors are held accountable. Allowing lawlessness to persist only emboldens perpetrators and puts innocent lives at risk.
We demand swift action to restore order and protect our community. No more hate and chaos! The brutality committed by Hamas is horrific and unjustifiable, leaving me speechless. Furthermore, these abhorrent vandals are covered by news stations (such as CNN, for example), which distort the news.
Pablo Nankin,MD

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