Hafrashat Jala

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Next week’s Shabbat is a very special one for Jews everywhere. It is a time when every Jewish congregation around the world will be together, not physically but spiritually.

This year, the Kehila Ashkenazi granted us the honor of hosting the Hafrashat Jala, as part of the Shabbat Project.

Around three thousand women of all ages and from every Jewish congregation in Mexico will gather to comply with one of the three mitzvot for women according to the Torah, Hafrashat Jalá, and the first mitzvah

This shows the power of women in Judaism, that their word and their praying in favor of others can open even the Gates of Haven. The union among Jewish women is very powerful and it held the Jewish People throughout history.

I will send you a full report of every event the School will hold during this Shabbat week, specially the Hafrashat Jala next Wednesday, November 9th.

Shabbat Shalom!

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