Continuan grabando cartas de los sobrevivientes en Europa Oriental: Esta es de Lainie Kazan quien a los 23 años ya era una heroina de guerra y hoy necesita de TU ayuda para poder comer

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The Survivor Mitzvah Project’s series


brings you stars from Broadway, Film, Television and the Music Industry, who have donated their time and talents
to help Holocaust survivors.

Lainie Kazan brings us the story of Galina Olha, who was spared from a violent pogrom as a child, only to be swept up in the Holocaust. A war hero at 23, she was severely wounded by shrapnel and spent the postwar years in a wheelchair. In her old age she cared for her bedridden husband. Ms. Kazan’s powerful performance is a tribute to the strength and nobility of the human spirit.

To help the survivor you see in this video, and others like her, donate online or send a check to:

The Survivor Mitzvah Project
2658 Griffith Park Blvd., Ste. #299
Los Angeles, CA 90039

If You are a CANADIAN DONOR please make your tax deductible donation online at

or send a check to:
Survivor Mitzvah Project Canada
P.O. Box 20047
Perth, Ontario
K7H 3M6

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