San Diego Upcoming Event: The U.S. Election Process and the Impact on Mexico

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The Ahlers Center for International Business and the Trans-Border Institute at the University of San Diego invite you to join us for a presentation with

Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez.
The U.S. Election Process and its Impact on Mexico
September  15, 2016
11:00am – 12:00 pm
Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, Room E

As the United States prepares to elect its next president, there has been much debate and many unanswered questions about the future of our relationship with Mexico. How will bilateral relations between both countries be affected by the election process and results? How will Mexico’s economy and trade with the U.S. be impacted? What can people living in this bi-national region, where people routinely cross the border daily for work, family and travel, expect from this election?

Jesús Silva Herzog Márquez is a leading Mexican essayist and political commentator, the son of Mexico’s most famous finance minister, and the grandson of a pioneering historian and diplomat. His work examines Mexico’s democratic transition from a variety of historical, social, and humanistic perspectives.

Parking Instructions
Please allow 15 minutes for parking and walking to the venue. Upon arriving to campus, make a left into the West Parking Entrance from Linda Vista Road. Stop at the welcome kiosk and ask for parking directions. They will direct you to turn left and purchase a parking permit at the Alcala West Pay Stations located in the West Parking Structure.

Tram Service
The USD Tram Service runs about every 10-15 minutes and will drive you up the hill; alternatively, you could walk up the short steep hill. The Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice will be the first building on the right.

Contact Info
For more information contact Erin Kellaway, external programs manager, at [email protected].

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