Yiddish Voice presentará este miércoles, en su programa semanal, a los creadores del curso de Yiddish en Duolingo

Miércoles 28 a las 4:30 PM hora de SD, 6:30 hora de CDMX y 7:30 hora de Nueva York.

Duolingo Yiddish Team on The Yiddish Voice, Wed. Apr 28, 2021 (TONIGHT)

Wednesday, April 28, 2021, at 7:30 PM (Eastern), the Boston-based radio show Dos Yidishe Kol (The Yiddish Voice) will air its recently recorded interview with the developers of the Yiddish course on the language-learning app DuolingoMeena Viswanath, brothers Isac and Israel Polasak; Sholem; and Yosi (@MudnerParshoyn on Twitter).

The interview was recorded on April 11, 2021, over Zoom and is entirely in Yiddish. Participating in the interview are historian Prof. Sholem Beinfeld, along with regular host Mark David.

For more info, here are several links:

The Yiddish Voice (Dos Yidishe Kol / דאָס ייִדישע קול), Boston’s weekly Yiddish-language radio show, is heard in the Boston area every Wednesday on WUNR 1600 AM from 7:30 to 8:30 PM (Eastern) and live-streamed on the Internet at www.yiddishvoice.com.

The program recording is also generally available directly on the web shortly after the broadcast here:


Also available wherever you get your podcasts, such as:

Apple Podcasts and iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-yiddish-voice-podcast/id915622071?mt=2

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3n8zB32RXs7rDFsf7fguOO

Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/search/yiddish%20voice

For more information visit www.yiddishvoice.com, email [email protected], follow @TheYiddishVoice on Twitter, or call 617-730-8484.

El evento está terminado.

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