Venezuela and Iran: The Case for Concern

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Conference Call with Rep. Connie Mack (R-FL)
Ranking Member of the House of Representatives, Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommitee on the Western Hemisphere

Rep. Connie Mack (R-FL)

Connie Mack was elected to his third term in the United States Congress in November of 2008 to represent Florida’s 14th Congressional District. He currently serves on three committees — Transportation and Infrastructure; Foreign Affairs; and Budget — allowing him to effectively represent the needs of Southwest Florida.

Mack has taken a leadership role in fighting for the needs of Southwest Florida. From his successful efforts to secure $81.1 million for the expansion of I-75, to fighting to preserve the region’s fragile ecosystem and tourist-based economy, Mack is focused on making sure Southwest Florida remains a great place to live, work and visit.

Nationally, Congressman Mack understands that the most important issue of our time continues to be fighting and winning the war on terror. As a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, he is working to help craft policies that spread the ideals of Freedom, Security and Prosperity around the world. Mack has become widely viewed as one Congress’ leading critic of Venezuela’s Communist President Hugo Chavez and the rapid military build-up, and ever-growing anti-democratic and anti-U.S. actions of the Chavez government.

Congressman Mack also understands that government doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. As a member of the Budget Committee, he is continuing to work to restore fiscal responsibility and reduce wasteful spending so that people can continue to receive the services they need, but at a price they can afford.

Congressman Mack previously served in the Florida House of Representatives from 2000 to 2003. As a member of the Florida Legislature, he established himself as a champion for mainstream conservative values, and was named Deputy Majority Leader in just his second term.

Prior to being elected to Congress, Mack was a business executive with Fort Myers-based LTP Management before becoming an independent business and marketing consultant.
Connie Mack was born and raised in Southwest Florida and is a graduate of the University of Florida. He is the son of former United States Senator Connie Mack and well-known cancer prevention advocate Priscilla Mack.

Mack is married to U.S. Rep. Mary Bono Mack. He is the proud father of two children, Addison and Connie, and two stepchildren, Chesare and Chianna. Mack resides in Fort Myers.


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