Audición para el Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus, en Nueva York

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You are invited to Audition in New York City for the accomplished Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus with Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor

Auditions for the 2013/2014 season for the

Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC
will be held on the evenings of Thu., Aug. 29 and Tue., Sep. 03 from 6:00 to 8:30 PM

at The Workmen’s Circle / Arbeter-ring

247 West 37th Street, 5th floor (between 7th & 8th Avenues) New York City.

Auditions by appointment only.

Email Lisa at
[email protected]

If unavailable on either of the 2 eves listed above, please contact Lisa to schedule another time.

The JPPC is an intergenerational 4-part Chorus (SATB).

They perform only in Yiddish.

Knowledge of Yiddish is *not* required to sing in the Chorus.

Most of the singers don’t know Yiddish.

Lyrics are written in English transliteration.

Word-for-word translations are provided.

Mp3s of vocal parts with lyrics are provided.

By concert time, all singers sound fluent.

Ability to read musical notes or sight-sing is beneficial.
Rehearsals are on Monday eves from September through early June, except on Jewish and some national holidays.

First rehearsal this year is on Monday eve, September 09.

Read more about the JPPC here.

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