CIEMPRE, The Latin American Media Research Institute grows with new alliances

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As a result of our ongoing efforts to reinforce and expand our presence in Latin America and the US Hispanic community we, at CIEMPRE, have accepted the request to form a sister organization, Latino Anti-Defamation Alliance (LADA).

Under the leadership of Daniel Ajzen in association with Enrique Morones, recipient of Mexico’s 2009 Human Rights Award LADA will monitor media outlets to expose those promoting xenophobic, fundamentalist and extremist ideas and provide guidance and information for those interested in clarifying their position.

Watch Mexico’s President, Felipe Calderon congratulate Enrique Morones, (In Spanish)

Morones brings his invaluable experience and network of friends to this venture while Daniel Ajzen will provide his experience in the anti-defamation field and CIEMPRE’s expansive web infrastructure to facilitate the publication and dissemination of information. This association will create a new, more organized online resource center to document media bias, and expose and clarify both xenophobic and plainly ignorant actions.

LADA’s initial objectives are to enhance relationships with other anti-defamation and human rights organizations and reinforce the already impressive network of media monitors working for CIEMPRE. This will bolster our database of government officials and media outlets in America to keep them informed with clear and unbiased facts to counteract false and misleading information they might be receiving.

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