Colombian government, FARC renew peace talks in Cuba

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HAVANA, — Representatives of the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrilla group Friday renewed the peace talks in Havana, aimed at ending five decades of fighting in that country.

The peace talks had a recess on Thursday, after three days of continuous work at closed doors at the Palace of Conventions in Havana.

According to the schedule, the two sides are expected to continue discussions Friday on the integral agricultural development, the first issue in a five-point agenda. The other issues include the political participation, the end of the conflict, the scourge of drug trafficking and care for the war victims.

The FARC’s number two leader Ivan Marquez, who leads the guerilla’s delegation in the talks, said Wednesday: “We are working hard for peace and we are using the truth as a powerful weapon… to seek peace for Colombia.”

In a statement read at Friday’s talks, the FARC called on U.S. President Barack Obama to pardon the guerrilla member Simon Trinidad, so he can attend the peace talks with the Colombian government.

The FARC said that if Obama accepts this, “it would be an important contribution of the U.S. government to peace in Colombia. “

Trinidad, who was mentioned days ago by FARC to take part in peace talks because of his experience during the 1999 dialogue, has been convicted in the U.S. to 60 years in prison.

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