Judge indicts former Argentine President Carlos Menem over AMIA attack

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An Argentine judge has indicted the country’s former President Carlos Menem for allegedly trying to cover up evidence related to the bombing of the AMIA center in Buenos Aires in 1994, in which 85 people were killed. In a written statement, the judge said Menem had covered up what was called at the time “the Syrian connection”. The former previously denied any wrongdoing.

The judge accused Menem of covering up and destroying evidence, and abusing his authority. His brother, Munir Menem, who was the Menem’s chief of staff at the time, a former federal judge, two intelligence chiefs and two police officers were also indicted.

Speaking to reporters, the chief prosecutor in the investigation, Alberto Nisman, said he had requested this indictment a long time ago. According to Nisman, Carlos Menem ordered the cover-up, his brother communicated it and the judge, the police and intelligence officers carried it out. Nisman said the evidence destroyed had been on 54 tapes.

Source: World Jewish Congress

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