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PM Netanyahu: “I am proud that as Prime Minister, beginning in my first term, I upheld the Zionist and Jewish imperative of bringing to Israel our brothers and sisters from Ethiopia.”

(Communicated by the Prime Minister’s Media Adviser)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Wednesday, 28 August 2013, welcomes the completion of Operation Wings of a Dove to bring members of the Ethiopian [Jewish] community to Israel.

Operation Wings of a Dove began in December 2010 with a decision by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s previous government to bring to Israel thousands of members of the Falash Mura community who were waiting to emigrate.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “I am proud that as Prime Minister, beginning in my first term, I upheld the Zionist and Jewish imperative of bringing to Israel our brothers and sisters from Ethiopia. I see this as a moral obligation.”

Newly arrived immigrants from Ethiopia arriving at absorption center, Jan 1985 (Copyright: GPO)

New Ethiopian immigrants en route from Addis Ababa to Israel during Operation Solomon, May 1991 (Copyright: GPO)

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