El rapero Kodak Black se autodefine como judío de la tribu de Levy, (En Inglés)

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Weeks after Kendrick Lamar surprised some listeners by calling himself an Israelite, another celebrity rapper has done the same.

Kodak Black may have just gone Hebrew Israelite.

In a string of Instagram posts this month, the 20-year-old rapper told his millions of followers that he is now an Israelite — specifically from the tribe of Levi. In one photo, Black posed in a suit while wearing a Star of David pendant. One photo was partially captioned: “I Can’t Lie I’m #Israel #12TribesOfIsrael #Levite.”

Read more: http://forward.com/fast-forward/374727/first-kendrick-lamar-now-kodak-black-another-rapper-goes-hebrew-israelite/

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